Vocational Training Center in Hospitality and Catering
Exams CFPF practices
sorawell Yaounde, Cameroon
The CFPF Sorawell benefits more than 160 women in need each year who are looking for assets capable of facilitating the improvement of their standard of living.
Sorawell offers them short cycles of 2, 3 or 6 months and a long cycle of 3 levels, of 12 months each level.
They are young people between 16 and 28 years old, from several towns or villages in Cameroon (Yaoundé, Douala, Njottin Noni-Bui, Nkolu-bana, Yemkout, Loua II, Batoufam, Bandjoun, Bafoussam, Bandja, Ibong-Ndom, Edea , Batcham, Dibom-Ndobian, Labie, Mbalmayo, Mbouda) and also from N'Djamena and Lomé.
From modest backgrounds, they received a very deficient primary education, in difficult family environments.
Their families have between 6 and 8 members. For reasons of poverty, not all children can attend a full schooling. When it comes to choosing, it's the girl who stays home. The professional cycle of CFPF Sorawell is an alternative.
This professional training prepares for careers in the hotel and tourism industry, using a methodology based on pre-professional situations, close contacts with professionals in the sector and an assessment of the different skills and attitudes to be acquired.
Here are some photos of practical exams, photos taken by the Sorawell team, with our learners and the chef of the Hilton hotel in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Open Day
Date: April 6, 2022
Hours: 10:00 - 17:00
Theme: ethics and professionalism in the hotel environment.
Place: CFPF SORAWELL located in Essos near the ENEO agency
Telephone: (237) 673 754 798 / 694 389 562
January 11 - March 3, 2022
Price: 50,000 FCFA
Date: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Hours: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Focus: Pastry
March 14 - April 25, 2022
Rotation: Monday March 14
Easter holidays: Friday 08 April (evening) to Monday 18 April 2022.
Theoretical evaluation: Tuesday 19 to Friday 22 April 2022.
Practical end-of-module assessment: Thursday 21 to Monday April 25, 2022.
Deadline for submitting theoretical notes and practices : Monday, April 25, 2022.
Je m’appelle Edwige Aimée, apprenante au CFPF Sorawell de 2002 à 2005. J’ai beaucoup apprécié mes années de formation, particulièrement l’ambiance de famille et la façon dont nous étions formées. Je me souviens que je recevais toujours des encouragements lorsque j’étais découragée, les monitrices étaient vraiment gentilles.
J’ai reçu à Sorawell la formation professionnelle mais aussi humaine et spirituelle. Cela m’a été d’un très grand apport dans ma vie professionnelle. J’ai connu Dieu à Sorawell et j’ai aussi appris à avoir confiance en moi. Je garde de très bons souvenirs de Sorawell.