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So why do we constantly feel like we're running after the minutes?


What is wasting our time?


The number one reason we feel like we spend our days running is lack of organization. Many people have the impression that too much planning in advance takes away the spontaneity in everyday life, but this is far from the case. There are plenty of tasks that are repeated daily or weekly, whether we like it or not. So when those things you can't escape are perfectly planned and organized in advance, they become "automatic" and don't require thinking. This gives you plenty of time to then do the things you really love and that bring you pleasure!


Obligations to be eliminated

How many of you waste a lot of time commuting, shopping or doing household chores? We often hear that there is not enough time in a day to do everything there is to do, but if you look closely, you will find that there are many "obligations" which could be eliminated... For example, if you go every day (or almost) to the grocery store, you easily lose 45 minutes each time (large minimum). If you multiply this time by 5, you will have lost almost 4 hours “for nothing. Don't you think you could use those hours in a much more rewarding way?


Ten tips for “extending” the hours

It's no secret that to use the time you have effectively, you'll need to make some changes to your routine. It may take a few weeks of adaptation, but the results will be felt quickly...


Here are our top 10 tips for turning stressed, hyperactive individuals into relaxed people who have time to take time for themselves:


1. We make lists

It may sound boring, but having a list of things to buy or do will save you a lot of time. If possible, even try to write your grocery list by "following" the shelves of the store, which will save you from making several easily avoidable trips. Give yourself a few minutes a week, for example over your Saturday coffee, during which you will write down everything that is missing in your cupboards.


2. We make a detailed cleaning schedule

You could use your computer to create a nice chart that outlines everything that needs to be done each week around the house: cleaning, washing, days for taking out the trash and recycling, etc. So as not to be discouraged by the mountain of tasks, separate the little things that take 15-20 minutes and do a little each day. For example: on Monday, we dust; on Tuesday, we wash the mirrors, etc. Many tasks only happen once a week, so there's no need to save everything for the weekend.


3. We anticipate

There are plenty of ways to plan your days effectively: choose the night before the clothes you and the children will wear tomorrow, have several baskets to classify the laundry to be washed (whites, colors, underwear, etc.), put the breakfast table before going to sleep, prepare containers in advance with cut vegetables and fruits that you just have to slip into lunch boxes, etc.


4. We delegate

Maybe you think things are only done well when you execute them? But this is surely not the case... Do not hesitate to ask for help from those with whom you live. There are many small tasks that your spouse and even your children can do. For example, when you wash the house, the little ones can be a great help: give them a rag and ask them, for example, to dust the wooden skirting boards (they don't have to bend down to that, unlike you).


5. We empower

Your children can and should learn that they have their part to play in the organization of the house. You are doing them a disservice by doing everything for them. Thus, they should, from an early age, know that their participation is necessary. Have them put their plates and utensils in the sink or dishwasher after eating, or allow them 15 minutes to clean up their room before the bedtime story. Do not hesitate to use the method of consequences and rewards to motivate them, and also give them tasks according to their age, which you can include in your weekly schedule (taking out the trash, etc.)


6. Plan meals

Since we eat 3 times a day, it is usually when planning meals that we waste the most time. Still, there are plenty of ways to save your precious minutes. Several tips have been tested and approved in many families... For example:


  • establish a menu for each week and shop according to this plan.

  • cook for a single day, Saturday or Sunday.

  • Freeze portioned meals for weekday dinners (less cleaning and washing up).

  • cook two or three kinds of starch in advance (rice, pasta, couscous, etc.) which you will prepare by adding vegetables and proteins according to the desire of the moment.

  • wash and portion fruits and vegetables in small bags for lunch boxes.

  • provide meals of leftovers, etc.


7. We become adept at “multitasking”

Rather than spending two hours in front of the TV in the evening feeling guilty, take advantage of this time... You could watch your favorite shows while folding the laundry (or ironing it) or peeling vegetables. Any task that doesn't require too much brain involvement can be done while watching a movie or an episode of your favorite reality show.


8. Travel is minimized

Ideally, only one day per week should be set aside for shopping. For other compulsory trips, try to arrange with your spouse or other parents in order to make the most of the time (and the car): you could exchange your weeks to bring the children to school and to their extracurricular activities. , opt for carpooling to get to work... and even for public transit!

We sometimes feel like it's faster to get in the car than on the bus, but if you calculate the time spent in traffic and looking for parking, you might find that it doesn't. nothing. Plus, you could use that time reading a good novel rather than cursing at other motorists!


9. We limit the time spent procrastinating

If you're the type who always puts off until tomorrow what you can do today, you probably feel like you're constantly overloaded with work! It is precisely in these cases that it is particularly interesting to have daily lists of things to do. Rather than being constantly faced with a mountain of tasks to perform, you only have a few each day. Take your courage in both hands for a few minutes... then relax (really, this time) in front of the TV, the computer or on your swing in the yard!


10. Stop being too demanding of yourself!

Finally, we remember that there is no point in constantly stressing... There will never be more than 24 hours in a day! Having a perfectly organized home is not a goal in itself, the goal in our lives should be to spend quality time with those we love (including ourselves). Of course, it's easier to get there when our environment isn't an additional source of stress, but there's no need to feel guilty about all the things still "to do" All the stuff is only meant to allow us to live in harmony and enjoy moments of respite.


Wednesday, April 6, 2022 ​​​​

  • Open Day

  • Date: April 6, 2022

  • Hours: 10:00 - 17:00

  • Theme: ethics and professionalism in the hotel environment.

  • Place:  CFPF SORAWELL located in Essos near the ENEO agency

  • Telephone: (237) 673 754 798 / 694 389 562


January 11 - March 3, 2022

  • Price: 50,000 FCFA  

  • Date: Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • Hours: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Focus: Pastry



March 14 - April 25, 2022 ​​​

  • Rotation: Monday March 14 

  • Easter holidays:   Friday 08 April (evening) to Monday 18 April  2022. 

  • Theoretical evaluation: Tuesday 19 to Friday 22 April  2022. 

  • Practical end-of-module assessment: Thursday 21 to  Monday April 25, 2022. 

  • Deadline for submitting theoretical notes and  practices : Monday, April 25, 2022.


Je m’appelle Edwige Aimée, apprenante au CFPF Sorawell de 2002 à 2005. J’ai beaucoup apprécié mes années de formation, particulièrement l’ambiance de famille et la façon dont nous étions formées. Je me souviens que je recevais toujours des encouragements lorsque j’étais découragée, les monitrices étaient vraiment gentilles.

J’ai reçu à Sorawell la formation professionnelle mais aussi humaine et spirituelle. Cela m’a été d’un très grand apport dans ma vie professionnelle. J’ai connu Dieu à Sorawell et j’ai aussi appris à avoir confiance en moi. Je garde de très bons souvenirs de Sorawell.

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