Vocational Training Center in Hospitality and Catering
1. Abrasive paste
In a dish, put in the order indicated then mix:
1 2/3 cup baking soda
¼ cup liquid dish soap (preferably eco-friendly)
2 tbsp. water
2 tbsp. tablespoon distilled white vinegar
Uses: tubs, sinks, trash cans, counters, heavily soiled floors, toilet bowls. Very effective in removing dirt and grease.
2. The all-purpose cleaner
In a 16-ounce bottle fitted with a spray bottle, pour in the order listed:
3 tbsp. tablespoon liquid dish soap (preferably eco-friendly)
1 C. lemon juice
enough purified, boiled or distilled water to fill the bottle
Use: suitable for all surfaces.
3. Furniture cleaner
In a 16-ounce bottle fitted with a spray bottle, pour in the order listed:
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. lemon juice
¼ cup white vinegar
Purified, boiled or distilled water in sufficient quantity to fill the bottle
Lemon juice and vinegar dissolve dirt and remove fingerprints, while olive oil shines and protects wood. Shake well before use. After use, place the bottle in the refrigerator to preserve the lemon juice.
4. Oven cleaner
To mix together :
¼ cup salt
¾ cup baking soda
Spray water on the walls, then sprinkle the mixture of salt and baking soda.
Let stand overnight. The following day, scrape lightly with steel wool (steel wool) or a pumice stone. Rinse thoroughly.
5. Drain Cleaner
½ to ¾ cup baking soda
The same amount of white vinegar
Pour the baking soda and then the vinegar down the drain. Leave for a few minutes and pour boiling water so that the solution flows down the drain. Leave to act overnight.
6. Air purifier
In a bottle fitted with a spray bottle, put in the order indicated then mix:
1 C. baking soda
2 cups hot water
1 C. lemon juice
Another trick: put a few slices of citrus fruit, cloves or cinnamon in a saucepan with enough water to simmer for an hour or two.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Open Day
Date: April 6, 2022
Hours: 10:00 - 17:00
Theme: ethics and professionalism in the hotel environment.
Place: CFPF SORAWELL located in Essos near the ENEO agency
Telephone: (237) 673 754 798 / 694 389 562
January 11 - March 3, 2022
Price: 50,000 FCFA
Date: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Hours: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Focus: Pastry
March 14 - April 25, 2022
Rotation: Monday March 14
Easter holidays: Friday 08 April (evening) to Monday 18 April 2022.
Theoretical evaluation: Tuesday 19 to Friday 22 April 2022.
Practical end-of-module assessment: Thursday 21 to Monday April 25, 2022.
Deadline for submitting theoretical notes and practices : Monday, April 25, 2022.
Je m’appelle Edwige Aimée, apprenante au CFPF Sorawell de 2002 à 2005. J’ai beaucoup apprécié mes années de formation, particulièrement l’ambiance de famille et la façon dont nous étions formées. Je me souviens que je recevais toujours des encouragements lorsque j’étais découragée, les monitrices étaient vraiment gentilles.
J’ai reçu à Sorawell la formation professionnelle mais aussi humaine et spirituelle. Cela m’a été d’un très grand apport dans ma vie professionnelle. J’ai connu Dieu à Sorawell et j’ai aussi appris à avoir confiance en moi. Je garde de très bons souvenirs de Sorawell.